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Deep Moisturizing bundle
Waves offers an effective treatment for dry hair, with deep hydration and natural ingredients. It is suitable for all hair types and addresses keratin buildup.
WHAT IT IS : The Waves collection features moisturizing properties for hair and ingredients that help hair retain moisture and provide hydration. The collection is suitable for all hair types. It helps you address dryness/wrinkles/fading and fatigue of the hair. It is also a treatment for keratin buildup known as "high-protein hair" and provides enough softness to maintain it without breakage or damage. The simple routine consists of three products that contain clean, organic, and environmentally friendly ingredients, with up to 90% of the ingredients being completely natural, making it a complete hair treatment routine with simple steps.
Waves sulfate-free shampoo, Waves paraben-free conditioner, Leave in Waves 200 grams
expiry: 24mnth |
bundle components
طريقة استخدام مجموعة العناية بالشعر "ويفز" من إلينا كوزمتكس
**معلومات إضافية:**
- **مناسبة للأطفال من عمر 12 شهر.**
- **خالية من السلفات، البرابين والسليكون.**
- **مناسبة لجميع أنماط الشعر.**
- **مناسبة للشعر الذي يعاني من تراكم أو حساسية البروتين.**
1. **شامبو ويفز**
- **الهدف**: تنظيف الشعر بلطف وتقويته.
- **طريقة الاستخدام**:
1. بللي شعرك جيدًا بالماء.
2. ضعي كمية مناسبة من الشامبو على الشعر المبلل.
3. دلكي فروة الرأس بأطراف أصابعك لمدة دقيقة.
4. اشطفي الشعر جيدًا بالماء.
5. إذا لزم الأمر، يمكنك تكرار العملية.
2. **بلسم ويفز**
- **الهدف**: فك التشابك وترطيب الشعر.
- **طريقة الاستخدام**:
1. بعد غسل الشعر بالشامبو، اشطفيه جيدًا.
2. ضعي كمية صغيرة من البلسم على الشعر، مع التركيز على الأطراف.
3. اتركي البلسم لمدة 3-5 دقائق.
4. اشطفي الشعر جيدًا بالماء الفاتر.
3. **كريم ليف ان ويفز**
- **الهدف**: علاج الجفاف والهيشان وتسهيل التصفيف.
- **طريقة الاستخدام**:
1. بعد غسل الشعر بالشامبو، اشطفيه جيدًا.
2. بللي الشعر برفق باستخدام منشفة.
3. ضعي كمية مناسبة من الكريم على الشعر المبلل، مع التركيز على الأطراف.
4. صففي شعرك كما ترغبين.
5. اتركي الشعر ليجف بشكل طبيعي أو استخدمي مجفف الشعر.
نصائح عامة:
- يُفضل استخدام الشامبو والبلسم بانتظام للحصول على أفضل النتائج.
- تأكدي من تخزين المنتجات في مكان بارد وجاف.
- استخدمي الكريم بعد كل غسلة للشعر للحصول على ترطيب مثالي.
باتباع هذه الخطوات، ستحصلين على شعر صحي ومرتب، مع فوائد ترطيب وتقليل الهيشان. ستعشقين النتائج!
How to Use the "Waves" Hair Care Collection from Elena Cosmetics
**Additional Information:**
- **Suitable for children from 12 months old.**
- **Sulfate-free, paraben-free, and silicone-free.**
- **Suitable for all hair types.**
- **Ideal for hair that suffers from protein buildup or sensitivity.**
1. **Waves Shampoo**
- **Purpose**: Gently cleanses and strengthens hair.
- **Instructions**:
1. Wet your hair thoroughly with water.
2. Apply an appropriate amount of shampoo to wet hair.
3. Massage the shampoo into your scalp using your fingertips for about a minute.
4. Rinse your hair thoroughly with water.
5. If necessary, you can repeat the process.
2. **Waves Conditioner**
- **Purpose**: Detangles and moisturizes hair.
- **Instructions**:
1. After washing your hair with shampoo, rinse it well.
2. Apply a small amount of conditioner to your hair, focusing on the ends.
3. Leave the conditioner on for 3-5 minutes.
4. Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.
3. **Leave-In Waves Cream**
- **Purpose**: Treats dryness and frizz while easing styling.
- **Instructions**:
1. After washing your hair with shampoo, rinse it well.
2. Gently towel-dry your hair to remove excess water, but leave it damp.
3. Apply an appropriate amount of Leave-In Waves Cream to damp hair, focusing on the ends.
4. Style your hair as desired.
5. Allow your hair to air dry or use a hairdryer if preferred.
General Tips:
- It is recommended to use the shampoo and conditioner regularly for the best results.
- Store the products in a cool, dry place.
- Use the leave-in cream after each wash for optimal hydration.
By following these steps, you will achieve healthy, well-groomed hair with moisturizing benefits and reduced frizz. You will love the results!
الأسئلة الشائعة
Yes, you can use the Waves collection with other products, but it is recommended to avoid products that contain sulfates or parabens to ensure that they do not negatively affect the effectiveness of the Waves collection.
The Waves collection is designed to be gentle and safe, but in case of an allergy to any ingredient, undesirable reactions may occur. It is always recommended to perform a patch test on a small section of hair before full use.
Yes, the Waves collection contains moisturizing ingredients that help restore moisture to hair damaged by heat or dyes, which helps reduce damage.
The Waves collection is free from sulfates and parabens, making it safe for use on colored hair. However, it is always advisable to consult a hairstylist if you are concerned about the effects of the products on your hair color.
Results may vary from person to person, but many customers notice an improvement in hair moisture and softness after the first use. For optimal results, it is recommended to continue using the set for 4-6 weeks.
Yes, the Waves collection is safe to use on straight or chemically treated hair, as it helps to moisturize the hair and restore its health.
Yes, the Waves collection is suitable for use in all seasons, as it provides the necessary hydration for hair in different weather conditions.
If the products are used in appropriate amounts, the Waves collection will not cause an increase in hair oiliness. It is recommended to use small amounts of Leave in Waves to avoid any buildup.
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Gentle ingredients
Organic lotions do not contain harmful chemicals that irritate the skin. In many cases, traditional care products, make-up tools or cosmetics cause skin allergies due to their interaction with the skin and scalp, in contrast to therapeutic organic products. If you suffer from sensitive skin, organic lotions are best for you, as they are completely gentle, and work to improve the appearance and texture of your skin without worrying about their adverse effects on your skin.
It is best for general health
Believe it or not, the skin is the first interface that reflects the body's inner health. Maintaining healthy skin means keeping the body in good health. Choosing organic products to take care of your skin means protecting your internal organs from exposure to toxins and chemicals that accumulate and lead to many diseases. By abandoning the use of traditional preparations, you will ensure that your liver and kidneys are protected from harmful chemicals that directly harm them.
Environmentally friendly products
Most of the chemical elements used in the usual cosmetic industry are harmful to the environment, which may increase soil and outdoor air pollution rates. Some lotions also rely on killing millions of animals to obtain their active ingredients. By using organic products, you can contribute mainly to protecting the environment, as their ingredients are biodegradable without harming the ecosystem. On the contrary, it can be used to increase the fertility of the soil because it contains the necessary vital elements of vitamins and minerals.
customers service
There are many ways, whether during shopping or after receiving, to communicate with the Elena team, whether through WhatsApp, Facebook, or over the phone, to help you find the right product for your skin, hair, or body, and also after receiving it. Team Elena, it's always there for you Team Elena's response is rated by Facebook as 98% prompt.
Satisfied customer base
You can follow customer reviews through comments on in-store products on the website, or through customers on Elena's social media, because Elena, the founder of the brand four years ago, has been and continues to be close to her customers to follow. They are satisfied with the results of their products.
Integrated shipping service
You can order and receive at your doorstep from any governorate inside Egypt, and when ordering a product from us, you can from this moment track your order through the site and know the exact time for shipping your order, as well as follow up with Elena's team until receiving it.
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Elena's women-only retreat
Customers now have an easier way to engage with Elena, the founder of the brand. Within Elena's exclusive women's group, members discuss the harmful effects of synthetic products on the body and the environment. They share their experiences with Elena's products and receive advice on natural alternatives.
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You can now contact customer service.