Why do you suggest Elena that?
Converting the customer from a consumer only to a financial beneficiary as well.
The brand’s relationship with customers from the beginning was based on supporting Elena’s clients on continuity day after day. That is why Elena does not like her relationship with her clients to turn into a company-client relationship, but rather tries to be more than that by supporting her clients to benefit from her presence within Elena’s circle by making The customer is a financial beneficiary, not just a consumer.
The credibility of the marketing process.
Elena believes that the best way to market its products is not through banners or display ads or displaying its products through people around whom many gather.
Because Elena trusts her products and their results on her clients, she knows that the marketing process through her clients will help spread them on a larger scale.
How to work with Elena.
Create an account.
Through the website, your first step is to create an account and fill in your correct information.
In the phone number field, you must include a phone number containing the “e-wallet” services
Get a seller code and know your profit percentage.
The next step is to contact us to obtain a vendor code.
Marketing and order creation.
All you have to do is provide your opinion and review about any product with us, whether through your personal account on social networking sites, or by recommending products to us that led to satisfactory results for a friend or a close person, and in the event that he wants to shop with us, all that is required What you have to do is take his data and create an order for him through your account on the website, and when your customer receives the order and collects the amount due from our side, your percentage, which is 10% of the total order, will be transferred through your electronic wallet immediately upon collection, and through the website you can track Data of your orders, such as when they were shipped or delivered, or if they have been collected or are still unpaid.
Note: Your account must contain at least one personal order of yours before you can create an order for another customer.When creating an order for your customer from your account on the Elena website, you only change the shipping address or add a new shipping address and include your customer data in the fields.
The address belongs to you.The shipping address belongs to your customer.
Advantages of working with us
Not adhering to working hours or rules that must be followed.
This work does not bind us to working dates that must be adhered to, so it does not change our routine in anything, whether we are studying or associated with another work, and there is no one who presides over us at work, so we do not abide by anyone’s laws.
Don't work as a salesperson
Do not work as a sales representative as long as you do not choose that, because Elena does not ask you to work as a sales representative, but all you have to do is practice your daily routine and within your routine is to reveal products that you liked or loved.
The link between consumption and profit
Constant consumption and stopping taking care of ourselves are two behaviors that are not recommended, but here you have the flexibility to link your self-care with your return as well.
Do not commit to anything other than creating the order
Do not commit to anything other than ordering the order for your customer, and there are those who follow up with your customer, package the products and ship them to the door of the customer’s house, and bear full responsibility for this sent order.